Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New new photos


  1. зөвхөн дээл бииш уламжлалт гар урлалаа орчин үед авчирсанд маш их баярлалаа

  2. i'm too bored here to wear only loose shirts, leggings, ripped jeans, parka jacket and backpack. i really wanna wear like you, little bit traditional and casual. You are such an inspire for me to try my own. As long as i am here, i can't ask you to make it for me. But it's possible to show us (your people around the world). Even tough, i may not sew properly, i wish to learn basic measures and how collar, sleeves, front and back patterns and buttons are made of the Deel (generally no informations were found). i see you as one of our national pride. Thanks for being real model :)
